February 27, 2013
Mid Week PIC Me Up
2/27/2013 12:00:00 AM
About Heroes, About Nothing in Particular, Hot Men, Mid Week PIC Me Up
February 22, 2013
Friday Quickie
25 quickie facts about Jana Richards:
Birthday? November 5
Favorite color? Depends on my mood, but usually blue.
Favorite animal? Dog, especially my Pub/Terrier cross Lou.
Siblings? One older brother.
Favorite drink? Coffee in the mornings, wine in the evenings.
If you were a jelly bean flavor, what flavor would you be? Orange.
Favorite author? Suzanne Brockman.
Favorite dish? Lasagna.
Ice cream flavor? Chocolate
Favorite Season? Spring
Plotter or pantser? A combination of both, but mostly a plotter.
Hobbies? Gardening, reading, golfing (very badly), yoga
Dream vacation? Going to Maui, which we’re going to do in a couple of weeks! Yay!
Favorite TV show? The Big Bang Theory
Musical preference? Country Music
Pet peeve? Drivers who follow too closely!
Favorite place to write? My office, or in the summer out on the deck.
Favorite song? Currently, “Blown Away” by Carrie Underwood.
Unforgettable moment? Getting the email with the offer to buy my first book.
Favorite Superhero? Ironman, ‘cos I like Robert Downey Jr.
Spicy or not? In food, somewhat. In romance novels, definitely!
Cat or dog? At the moment, dog, but I love cats.
Favorite candy bar? Reese’s Pieces
Favorite guilty pleasure? Hawkins Cheezies
Summarize your book Twitter style – 140 characters or less:
When jilted, WW2 war bride marries fiance’s brother and finds true love.
Birthday? November 5
Favorite color? Depends on my mood, but usually blue.
Favorite animal? Dog, especially my Pub/Terrier cross Lou.
Siblings? One older brother.
Favorite drink? Coffee in the mornings, wine in the evenings.
If you were a jelly bean flavor, what flavor would you be? Orange.
Favorite author? Suzanne Brockman.
Favorite dish? Lasagna.
Ice cream flavor? Chocolate
Favorite Season? Spring
Plotter or pantser? A combination of both, but mostly a plotter.
Hobbies? Gardening, reading, golfing (very badly), yoga
Dream vacation? Going to Maui, which we’re going to do in a couple of weeks! Yay!
Favorite TV show? The Big Bang Theory
Musical preference? Country Music
Pet peeve? Drivers who follow too closely!
Favorite place to write? My office, or in the summer out on the deck.
Favorite song? Currently, “Blown Away” by Carrie Underwood.
Unforgettable moment? Getting the email with the offer to buy my first book.
Favorite Superhero? Ironman, ‘cos I like Robert Downey Jr.
Spicy or not? In food, somewhat. In romance novels, definitely!
Cat or dog? At the moment, dog, but I love cats.
Favorite candy bar? Reese’s Pieces
Favorite guilty pleasure? Hawkins Cheezies
Summarize your book Twitter style – 140 characters or less:
When jilted, WW2 war bride marries fiance’s brother and finds true love.
To learn more about Jana Richards and her writing, please visit her Website:
February 20, 2013
Mid Week PIC Me Up
2/20/2013 12:00:00 AM
About Nothing in Particular, Jensen Ackels, Mid Week PIC Me Up, Sexy Men
Welcome to the debut of a new blog feature I call Mid Week PIC Me Up. Today's PIC is dedicated to my friend, Lisa, who is a huge Jensen Ackels fan. ENJOY!
February 15, 2013
Character Quickie: Isabeau Montgomery
2/15/2013 12:00:00 AM
About My Books, After Midnight, Characters Revealed, interracial, Isabeau Montgomery, Music, Native American
Since today's author had to reschedule, I thought I would share something new. I 'borrowed' this post from my group blog, Off the Keyboard, because character quickie's were a spin off of the Friday Quickies I do here. And, they're just so much fun!
Oh, and don't forget ~ today is the last day to get AFTER MIDNIGHT for the sale price of $0.99
20 quickie facts about Isabeau Montgomery:
Birthday? September 23
Favorite color? Brick Red
Nickname? Izzy
Birthmark or scars? Too many scars to list.
Siblings? None
City of residence? Long Island City, New York
If you were a jelly bean flavor, what flavor would you be? Pina Colada
Occupation? Owner of Izzy’s Bar
Hobbies? Cooking, Running
Favorite song? Tempted by Black Phoenix
Name one item in your refrigerator right now? Black sea bass with chilies, herbs, and spinach.
Your greatest fear? That Noah will discover my secret, learn of the lie I’ve been hiding behind for 13 years.
Most treasured possession? The grand piano gifted to me by my mother when I was a child.
Special talent? I’m called a piano phenom. I can play any piece of music – perfectly – after hearing it just once.
Cat or dog? Cat
Pet peeve? When people stare at my scars.
Unforgettable moment? The night Noah Clark walked into my bar.
Spicy or not? Definitely
Favorite guilty pleasure? Sunbathing topless.
If you could ask your author one question, what would it be? How did you know Noah was the one for me?
Isabeau Montgomery is the heroine in Sarah's award-winning contemporary romance, AFTER MIDNIGHT,
on sale for 99 cents!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/11kD7JS
on sale for 99 cents!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/11kD7JS
February 10, 2013
Characters Revealed: Noah Clark
2/10/2013 08:09:00 AM
About My Books, After Midnight, After Midnight Blog Tour, Characters Revealed, Contemporary Romance, Heroes, interracial, Midnight Series, Native American, Noah Clark, relationships
Have I ever mentioned how much I love and appreciate you all? In celebration of After Midnight doing so well on Barnes and Noble and Amazon right now, I'm going to do a reader giveaway. But first, I want to give you all a look at Noah Clark: hero of After Midnight.
NOTE: this is a re-post, but with so many talking about Noah, I thought I would bring it back for you all. Enjoy!
Dear Reader,
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Noah Clark, the lead singer/songwriter for the rock band Black Phoenix. Perhaps you’ve heard of us. About ten years ago we topped the Billboard charts—a multi-platinum band whose last album was the most successful of its century. But that was before everything went to shit. Back before the sex, alcohol, and rock and roll took away my best friend and drummer, Danny Treybourne. Afterwards, I gave up the lifestyle, the world tours, hell, I gave up the band. I headed back home to London and committed myself to leading a normal life, one without music as its driving force.
For ten years, I was miserable.
So I’m back to making music. I crossed the pond, settled in a place called Auburn, California and began the preparations to reunite Black Phoenix. We hired a new drummer, set up a meeting with the record company, and I went in search of a private, reputable studio to record a demo. I found one in Long Island City, just up the road from a pub named Izzy’s Bar. Where one night, after midnight, I wandered in and set eyes on its namesake.
Damn…Isabeau Montgomery, child prodigy pianist, hiding behind a lie of her own making. She has the most pale, haunted eyes I’ve ever seen, and dark, golden skin. The first time she set those eyes on me and smiled, I was lost. I’m a songwriter, but the way she affected me, I haven’t words.
A detail about me you should know, I was born with a one track mind. I want something; I go out and get it. From the moment I first laid eyes on Isa I wanted her. I wanted to show her what she was missing, ignoring her music the way she did. I wanted to share with her everything I spent all those years figuring out: Denying who you are is nothing but a waste of time, time a person can never get back. Problem is my one track mind got me in trouble. I became so focused on saving her from herself, I didn’t see the whole picture. I pushed her too hard. And in the end, I pushed her away.
Hopefully, one day she’ll forgive me for being such an ass, because Isabeau…Isa completes me.
In a way even my music never could.
All you have to do is comment to be in the running. What's up for grabs? Five random commentors will win an eCopy of AFTER MIDNIGHT. If you've already read it, go ahead and let me know - I'll award a couple of copies of my Re-edited, revised and soon to be re-released romantic suspense, Not Without Risk.
February 8, 2013
Reblog, Retweet & Share to WIN!
2/08/2013 08:00:00 PM
2012 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence Finalist, About Books, About Contests, After Midnight, interracial, Music, Reblog, Retweet and Share to Win, Rock and Roll, rock star, Sarah Grimm, Tortured Heroines
Great News! My publisher has decided to extend the sale of After Midnight to February 15th!
So I've decided to extend the contest.
So I've decided to extend the contest.
After Midnight is On Sale!
It’s official, my award winning contemporary romance, After Midnight, is on sale for the super low price of 99 cents! So, I’m celebrating with a re-blog, re-tweet and share to win celebration!
What can you win???
(winners choice)
(winners choice)
Here’s how to play:
- Tweet (or retweet) about the sale. Every tweet will earn you one entry in the drawing. Make sure to include @SarahGrimmAuthr in your tweet so I can track your entry.
- Post or Share the sale on Facebook. Every post/share will earn you one entry in the drawing. Be sure to tag Sarah Grimm – Author in your post so I can track your entry.
- Reblog this post. Make sure to leave a link here so I can keep track.
That’s it. Pretty simple, yes? The more you tweet, retweet, share or repost, the more entries you receive! I will announce the winner of the gift certificate on this blog on February 18, 2013.
Can music heal a fractured soul?
Or will it tear them apart forever?
Thirteen years—that’s how long Isabeau Montgomery has been living a lie. After an automobile accident took her mother’s life, Izzy hid herself away, surviving the only way she knew how. Now she is happy in her carefully reconstructed life. That is until he walks through the door of her bar…
Black Phoenix singer/front man Noah Clark came to Long Island City with a goal—one that doesn’t include an instant, electric attraction to the dark-haired beauty behind the bar. Coaxing her into his bed won’t be easy, but he can’t get her pale, haunted eyes nor her skill on the piano out of his head.
Can Noah help Isabeau overcome the past? Or will her need to protect her secret force her back into hiding and destroy their chance at happiness?
2012 Romance Through the Ages Award Winner ~ 1st Place Contemporary
2012 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence Finalist
2012 Readers Favorite Award Finalist
2011 Book of the Year Finalist ~ Long and Short Reviews
GET IT TODAY – Just $0.99!
Amazon: http://amzn.to/11kD7JS (1/25 – 2/15)
Barnes and Noble: http://bit.ly/TNBRdL (1/25 – 2/15)
"After Midnight is one hell of a love story! I was hooked at the end of the first chapter. I had to read more. I had to know more. And Sarah Grimm definitely delivered more." —5 Stars, Fire Pages
"Ms. Grimm creates characters that grab hold of your heart and never let go. This is an emotional ride that you won't want to miss."—BEST BOOK, Long and Short Reviews
"I am in love. This book was amazing. I would even go as far as to say that it was one of the best books that I read this year." — 5 cocktails, Cocktails and Books
Friday Quickie
2/08/2013 08:04:00 AM
About Friday Quickies, Crimson Romance, Friday Quickie, Rhapsody, Sharon Clare
25 quickie facts about Sharon Clare:
Birthday? May 28
Favorite color? Red
Favorite animal? Border collie
Siblings? 2 brothers
Favorite drink? Cafe mocha with peppermint hot chocolate.
If you were a jelly bean flavor, what flavor would you be? Very cherry
Favorite author? Harlan Coben
Favorite dish? Pad Thai
Ice cream flavor? Laura Secord’s french crisp
Favorite Season? Summer
Plotter or pantser? Plotter
Hobbies? Gardening
Dream vacation? Scotland
Favorite TV show? Downton Abbey
Musical preference? Classic rock
Pet peeve? People who don’t pay attention when you’re speaking to them.
Favorite place to write? Outside by my pond.
Favorite song? My favorite song changes constantly. I do love Hallelujah, particularly this rendition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2NEU6Xf7lM
Odd family fact? My 3 children have their birthdays within 4 days.
Unforgettable moment? The only thing that compares to the birth of my kids was receiving a contract from Crimson Romance.
Favorite Superhero? Superman
Spicy or not? Spicy
Cat or dog? I have both, but I am partial to dogs.
Favorite candy bar? Anything with nuts.
Favorite guilty pleasure? A professional massage.
Summarize your book Twitter style – 140 characters or less:
In Rhapsody, when their tropical resort disappears, Jonathan and Isabelle must play a game of seduction with magical twists and turns to win their freedom from the Elvin world where they are trapped.
Birthday? May 28
Favorite color? Red
Favorite animal? Border collie
Siblings? 2 brothers
Favorite drink? Cafe mocha with peppermint hot chocolate.
If you were a jelly bean flavor, what flavor would you be? Very cherry
Favorite author? Harlan Coben
Favorite dish? Pad Thai
Ice cream flavor? Laura Secord’s french crisp
Favorite Season? Summer
Plotter or pantser? Plotter
Hobbies? Gardening
Dream vacation? Scotland
Favorite TV show? Downton Abbey
Musical preference? Classic rock
Pet peeve? People who don’t pay attention when you’re speaking to them.
Favorite place to write? Outside by my pond.
Favorite song? My favorite song changes constantly. I do love Hallelujah, particularly this rendition: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2NEU6Xf7lM
Odd family fact? My 3 children have their birthdays within 4 days.
Unforgettable moment? The only thing that compares to the birth of my kids was receiving a contract from Crimson Romance.
Favorite Superhero? Superman
Spicy or not? Spicy
Cat or dog? I have both, but I am partial to dogs.
Favorite candy bar? Anything with nuts.
Favorite guilty pleasure? A professional massage.
Summarize your book Twitter style – 140 characters or less:
In Rhapsody, when their tropical resort disappears, Jonathan and Isabelle must play a game of seduction with magical twists and turns to win their freedom from the Elvin world where they are trapped.
To learn more about Sharon Clare and her writing please visit her website:
February 7, 2013
Virtual Book Tour: Byzantine Gold by Chris Karlsen
2/07/2013 12:00:00 AM
About Authors, About Books, Byzantine Gold, Chris Karlsen, Goddess Fish Blog Tour
Welcome to the Goddess Fish Virtual Book Tour for Byzantine Gold by Chris Karlsen!
Chris will award one randomly drawn commenter at every stop an ebook copy of Golden Chariot, and one randomly drawn commenter will be awarded a $50 Amazon gift card during the tour. SO make sure after you check out her book, you leave a comment for Chris!

A sunken warship from the Byzantine Era carrying an unusual cargo of gold has been found off the coast of Northern Cyprus. News of the valuable cache has attracted the attention of a terrorist cell. They plan to attack the recovery team’s campsite and steal the artifacts. On the Black Market, the sale of the relics will buy them additional weapons.
Charlotte Dashiell, an American archaeologist, and her lover, Atakan Vadim, a Turkish government agent, are scheduled to be part of the recovery team that brings up the artifacts. While en route to Cyprus, they find themselves caught in the crosshairs of Maksym Tischenko, a Ukrainian contract killer bent on revenge. Charlotte, Atakan and Tischenko share a grim history. As a result, Tischenko is a man who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal—seeing them both dead.
Atakan didn’t answer as he sped out of camp, spraying dirt and stones behind them.
“What’s going on? Why are you in such a hurry?”
He stared straight ahead, silent.
Tight-jawed, he continued down the side road that paralleled the beach, ramming the stick shift into place as he went through the gears and ignoring her questions. She’d never seen him this tense, not with her at least. A bad feeling crept over her. She had a sick sense his mood involved her plan to leave.
They’d gone a kilometer from the camp when he came to a stop. He hopped out, slammed the driver’s door shut and came to her side.
Opening her door, he said, “Get out.”
She did.
“Atakan,” Charlotte started to ask the same questions again, but he was already turned and walking toward the sea.
She followed. He finally stopped near the water’s edge with his back to the surf and faced her. She stopped a couple of yards away.
“When were you going to tell me?”
She knew exactly what he was asking about. Who told him? It wasn’t Nick. He’d honor the twenty-four hour rule.
“Who told you?”
“That’s not an answer.” He stood still as a statue, arms crossed, feet apart.
She hesitated, trying to choose her words so he’d understand and not be hurt. She gazed out at the incoming tide. The blue-green waves, effervescent with bubbles, rushed toward shore in rapid succession. White foam droplets filled the air as they crested, framing him like a new, angry version of Poseidon.
“Answer me.”
“You weren’t going to tell me until today, although you’ve been planning to leave me for awhile.”
“Not awhile.”
“Long enough to send job inquiries to several museums.”
So that was how he knew. One of the museums contacted MIAR and they must’ve sent the questionnaire to Refik and he told Atakan. She hadn’t considered the possibility. She’d thought any contact from the museums would be handled by MIAR’s headquarters.
“I’m so sorry you had to find out this way. I intended to tell you if it looked like I’d definitely leave. If none of the museums showed interest, then you never had to know what I’d done.”
“And you believe that is acceptable?”
It killed her to see the look of disgust on his face with the question. “Yes...” she said low.
“Because I’m bad luck for you—everyone can see it, even your--, it’s obvious. There’s something about me, and God knows, I don’t know what, but I’m like a magnet for Tischenko.”
She never cried and she wouldn’t cry now, but she was close. “I can’t bear to see you hurt again, or worse. There are people that bad luck follows, even Iskender thinks so.”
Atakan inhaled deeply and let out a slow breath. Uncrossing his arms, he closed the short distance to where she stood.
“It’s not forever,” she offered, “I’ll return.”
He shook his head. “If you go, you cannot return. You’re either in my life or out of my life. There’s no in between.”

The daughter of a history professor and a voracious reader, she grew up with a love for history and books.
She has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East, and Northern Africa satisfying her passion for seeing the places she read about.
A Chicago native, Chris has lived in Paris, Los Angeles, and now resides with her husband, and five rescue dogs in the Pacific Northwest.
February 6, 2013
Thank You, Ames!
2/06/2013 07:07:00 AM
About My Books, About Reviews, About Sarah Grimm, After Midnight, Amy Lillard, The Wild Rose Press
No comments
I little something from my dear friend, Amy Lillard. Isn't it wonderful?
This one is fabulous, too!
This one is fabulous, too!
What do you think? Do you love them as much as I do?

February 2, 2013
Choosing Titles
2/02/2013 12:00:00 AM
2012 Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence Finalist, 2012 Romance Through the Ages Winner, 99 cents, About My Books, About My Writing, After Midnight, Music, rock star, The Wild Rose Press
No comments
A lot of writers begin a story without a title in mind. They flesh out the characters, envelop themselves deep within the story, and never think about the title until a) one comes to them naturally while writing the book, or b) they are forced to think of one because they can’t submit without the title.
Not so with me. You see, I can’t lose myself in a story if it’s untitled. I can connect with the characters and flesh out their lives, but I can’t spend hours, weeks, and months bleeding on the page without giving that page a name. Talking with friends about my work in progress only works for me if that WIP has a title.
Imagine it: I’m raving about my newborn son or daughter, showing pictures to friends. They ooh and ahh over how handsome he is, and then someone asks, “What’s his name?”
I can’t reply, “I don’t know, it’ll eventually come to me.” Could you?
So the first thing I do is think about the tone of my book. Is it funny? Sexy? Serious? Does a consistent theme run throughout? Something that either the hero or the heroine needs to learn or acknowledge by the end of the book?
Once I’ve decided, then it’s time to brainstorm. I sit at my desk and make a list of words related to my book. Nothing is off limits. I write down everything I can think of that is related to my story, whether it’s an emotion, a setting, or a question. At this point, one word usually jumps out at me – a word I KNOW has to be in the title. From there I play with word combinations and another list takes shape—a list of possible titles.
Here I should probably tell you that sometimes this method works for me, and sometimes…well, not so much. Take, for instance, the title of my first book, Not Without Risk. My original title for this book was Strength to Love. No really, that’s what I called it, which was better than my original title for After Midnight (and no, I’m not telling what that was called). Anyway, back to Risk…The farther I got into the story, the more I hated the title. It just wasn’t right. Then one day I’m typing along and the hero’s mother tells him, “To love someone, to have someone return that love is…It’s a risk, certainly, but what is life if not a risk?”
*insert light bulb*
There it was, the moment when the word clicked into place. Risk. Everything in that book revolved around risk, from the hero’s job, to taking a leap of faith and risking his heart in order to find love.
Here’s another confession. I have a compulsion to see the name of the book somewhere in the book. It doesn’t matter to me whether a character voices it, or thinks it; my titles have to be in the book. This need made naming, or should I say coming up with the correct name for, After Midnight even easier.
The original title broke my rule about following the tone of the book. It was too sappy, and gave the impression the book was light-hearted. I don’t write light-hearted. Yes, everything I write has its happily-ever-after. Yes, the hero and heroine always ride off into the proverbial sunset. But getting there is never an easy journey. I torture my characters, some more than others, and Isabeau Montgomery…she’s a tortured heroine.
Then it hit me. Isabeau owns a bar, the opening scene takes place in that bar after closing. In fact, most of the key moments in the book occur late at night. Night… Darkness… Midnight…aha! There it was.
Sometimes the moment that changes everything comes After Midnight.
Not so with me. You see, I can’t lose myself in a story if it’s untitled. I can connect with the characters and flesh out their lives, but I can’t spend hours, weeks, and months bleeding on the page without giving that page a name. Talking with friends about my work in progress only works for me if that WIP has a title.
Imagine it: I’m raving about my newborn son or daughter, showing pictures to friends. They ooh and ahh over how handsome he is, and then someone asks, “What’s his name?”
I can’t reply, “I don’t know, it’ll eventually come to me.” Could you?
So the first thing I do is think about the tone of my book. Is it funny? Sexy? Serious? Does a consistent theme run throughout? Something that either the hero or the heroine needs to learn or acknowledge by the end of the book?
Once I’ve decided, then it’s time to brainstorm. I sit at my desk and make a list of words related to my book. Nothing is off limits. I write down everything I can think of that is related to my story, whether it’s an emotion, a setting, or a question. At this point, one word usually jumps out at me – a word I KNOW has to be in the title. From there I play with word combinations and another list takes shape—a list of possible titles.
Here I should probably tell you that sometimes this method works for me, and sometimes…well, not so much. Take, for instance, the title of my first book, Not Without Risk. My original title for this book was Strength to Love. No really, that’s what I called it, which was better than my original title for After Midnight (and no, I’m not telling what that was called). Anyway, back to Risk…The farther I got into the story, the more I hated the title. It just wasn’t right. Then one day I’m typing along and the hero’s mother tells him, “To love someone, to have someone return that love is…It’s a risk, certainly, but what is life if not a risk?”
*insert light bulb*
There it was, the moment when the word clicked into place. Risk. Everything in that book revolved around risk, from the hero’s job, to taking a leap of faith and risking his heart in order to find love.
Here’s another confession. I have a compulsion to see the name of the book somewhere in the book. It doesn’t matter to me whether a character voices it, or thinks it; my titles have to be in the book. This need made naming, or should I say coming up with the correct name for, After Midnight even easier.
The original title broke my rule about following the tone of the book. It was too sappy, and gave the impression the book was light-hearted. I don’t write light-hearted. Yes, everything I write has its happily-ever-after. Yes, the hero and heroine always ride off into the proverbial sunset. But getting there is never an easy journey. I torture my characters, some more than others, and Isabeau Montgomery…she’s a tortured heroine.
Then it hit me. Isabeau owns a bar, the opening scene takes place in that bar after closing. In fact, most of the key moments in the book occur late at night. Night… Darkness… Midnight…aha! There it was.
Sometimes the moment that changes everything comes After Midnight.
Don't miss out!
Get your copy of AFTER MIDNIGHT today for just 99 cents!
Get your copy of AFTER MIDNIGHT today for just 99 cents!
February 1, 2013
Guest Blog: That First Blank Page . . .by Nancy Gideon
2/01/2013 12:00:00 AM
Betrayed by Shadows, Buy the Book Tours, Nancy Gideon, Paranormal Romance, romantic suspense
That first blank page...
I love those movies about writers that show the character staring at a blank screen, watching the cursor blink in a beckoning manner as if to say, C’mon, show me what you got?
Working a forty hour week outside my home office, I don’t have time to stare at a blank page. When I sit down at the keyboard, I need to know I have something to say. Perhaps that’s why it takes me soooo long to start a new book. That first page sets the tone for everything that comes after it. And it has to be juuuuuust right.
So, where to start? At the beginning? Oh, heck no. Start at the point of change.
Start with action. That was the advice I got when I first started writing and wanted to begin my historicals with backstory. Nooooo! Stop! Instead, pull the reader right into the thick of it, sometimes against their will, and get them totally invested by the end of that first page. That’s my goal. Hook them and don’t let them go. A page turner begins on page one.
I know a lot of professionals tsk-tsk, but I love to start a book with a prologue. Drop the poor reader into the middle of it with no explanation. Here are the characters. Here’s something horrible or life changing that tips their world upside down. WTF! I guess I’m just a tease. In fact, that first page, that prologue, that first chapter should be an incredible, irresistible tease that leaves the reader dying to find out who these people are and what happens next. The significance of that prologue scene may not come into play until late in the book but believe me, it matters. A lot!
So, back to where to start… With the hero? With the heroine? With a seemingly unrelated incident? For the answer, an author has to have a pretty good handle on the story and where it’s going in order to pick who has the most at stake in that opening scene. Who has the biggest secret? Who needs immediate reader empathy? What incident is the catalyst for everything that follows? For BETRAYED BY SHADOWS, I picked the hero Giles St. Clair’s pivotal moment where a choice he made took his life in a dramatic darker turn. Though he’d been a secondary in earlier books, I didn’t know anything about him other than he’d been introduced as a thug working for a New Orleans mobster. And I wondered why. What would make this affable, big hearted guy step off an honorable path? Hopefully, now I’ve got you wondering, too.
Start with action. With dialogue. With crisp, quick movement and little set up. With characters that are dynamic. Let the reader be as disoriented, shocked, and confused as those unfortunate characters . . . but leave them wanting more. Leave them asking, What happens next?
Here’s my tease from BETRAYED BY SHADOWS . . . Have I done my job?
“So, who do you want killed?”
It was just business to Jimmy Legere, but to the unexpected visitor balancing on that razor’s edge of no going back, it would change everything.
“If I knew that, I wouldn’t have come to you.”
Balls and respect. Jimmy liked that. He leaned back in his chair, fingers tented, amused. “So why you here, fixin’ to make a deal with the devil, college boy?”
Giles St. Clair took a deciding breath. “I need to know who murdered my father.”
Legere waved a dismissing hand. ”Tracking down murderers is the NOPD’s job.”
“Well, they didn’t do a very damn good one.” Heat sparked in St. Clair’s words. “They asked questions, filled out forms, then filed my father away in a drawer. They weren’t interested in justice when it pointed someplace they’re paid not to go.”
He didn’t have to specify where; his unwavering stare said it plainly enough. All avoided roads led to organized crime.
“So you came to me. You think I can do better?” Legere challenged, still indulgent.
“Considering the killer was employed by Vic Vantour, I’m certain of it.”
The mobster’s eyes narrowed with cunning interest. Vantour. His biggest competitor for the docks, an annoying roadblock to the full control he coveted. “Vantour? You sure of that, boy? What kind of business did he have with your daddy?”
“None. That’s what got him killed.” The lip curl of disgust showed that Giles St. Clair hated lowering himself to make this request of someone no better than the villain he was after.
Jimmy’s smile widened. “You think your daddy would approve of what you’re doing now?”
“No. But he’ll rest easier once it’s done. And so will I.”
“A man’s life is expensive,” Legere mused, tapping his fingertips together as he waited for the young man to squirm and plead. But the kid never broke a sweat. His intensity was almost unnerving. “So, how you planning to pay for this favor? With your college fund?”
The young man’s features tightened. “That’s my mama’s money.”
Jimmy shrugged, then baited his trap like the skilled predator he was. “So maybe you’re thinking of working it off. Whatchu going to school for?”
“I got me a slew a businessmen already, the best money can buy. And something tells me you knew the second you stepped into this room that you weren’t going back to college to finish that degree.”
That cold and bitter truth was met with a determined “What do you need?”
Jimmy took his time studying the young man who’d come so boldly into his home. Behind the Ivy League clothes was the stuff that gave starch to the boy’s spine and fire to his stare. Stuff Jimmy could use and mold.
Though the kid’s voice was unaccented, Jimmy caught the earthy patois of Cajun Country. Tough, no-nonsense folk, those bayou people; clannish by nature, suspicious of outsiders, but fiercely loyal once their word was given. Jimmy assessed him critically. A big fellow, broad shoulders, with an unmovable stance and a direct, unflinching stare. That could be valuable, once channeled into intimidation.
“Max,” Jimmy called quietly.
“Whatchu need, Jimmy?” came a low rumble from the shadows of the room.
“Find out about Vic Vantour’s interest in—” Jimmy broke off and asked his guest, “What’s your daddy’s name?”
“Clovis Robichaux,” the college boy said, hard resignation flatlining his gaze.
The kid wasn’t a fool. He knew what he was getting into, signing his name in Jimmy’s book of souls.
“Get a name for the trigger man, Max.”
“You want me to take care of him for you, Jimmy?”
Legere passed Max’s question along with a lift of his brow.
“No,” St. Giles replied quietly. “It’s family. I’ll take care of it myself.”
Jimmy believed he would.
And he believed he’d just acquired a damned fine asset.
Balancing a criminal empire and a preternatural clan war, reluctant front man Giles St. Clair doesn’t need a problem like Brigit MacCreedy . . . How much trouble can the head-strong and manipulative Shifter beauty get into in two weeks? Plenty when her schemes range from kidnapping to fleeing the retribution of her dead lover’s clan.
With her family’s lives on the line, Brigit is willing to do whatever it takes to save them. The only thing standing in her way is an immovable stone wall of a man she can’t bully or beguile . . . a human, no less, who has promised to protect her from the secrets and dangers she conceals.
Risking her own safety gets complicated when an honorable and annoyingly desirable man puts himself between her and her powerful enemies in a battle he can’t win in this Taming of the Shrew meets Shifter Goodfellas on the Bayou tale of consequences, redemption and finding love in all the wrong places.
An author of over fifty novels since 1987, Nancy Gideon thrives on variety. Under her own name and several pseudonyms, she’s written award-winning series suspense, historical and paranormal bestsellers, earned a “Career Achievement for Historical Adventure”, and has had two original horror screenplays optioned for film. A Michigan native, she works full time as a legal administrative assistant and feeds a NetFlix addiction.
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