Okay, I admit that it's nearly eleven p.m. Saturday night and I'm only just getting to my six. *sigh*
So, we know how Isabeau sees herself (you can revisit it here), but how does Noah see her?
While classic rock blared from the speakers, he took a moment to study the profile that looked both soft and angular. She wasn’t beautiful in the traditional sense, but compelling. She had a way of looking at a person as she spoke with them, like they were the most important person in the room. And a wide, friendly smile that could steal a man’s breath.
He’d been on the receiving end of it once, just once, and he’d yet to fully recover.
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I love your description, especially of her smile. Beautifully tender six. Thank you.
I can "hear" the hint of longing in his voice. Well done!
Oh, he's smitten. Great description!
"And he had yet to recover." Love it. This simple statement really packs an emotional punch!
Sigh..... lovely six
Just once? Aww...
A Way To A Dragon's Heart 6ss
Love this description and his reaction to her.
She sounds very powerful! Great snippet.
Nice description. Sounds like he's got it bad :-)
That last line really sums it up. He's smitten and he knows it.
Oh yeah, he's hooked. Great six!
Awesome six! And, eleven on Saturday is still before Sunday, last I checked. :)
Oh, I don't know, I think he's more than smitten....
Awww...someone's got it bad.
Breathtaking smile has certainly hooked him!
Oh! Very nice :)!
Loved that last line especially! Beautiful
"He’d been on the receiving end of it once, just once, and he’d yet to fully recover." Love the way this is expressed. Nice.
Awwww. That's incredibly sweet.
Very well done. Flawless description.
Oh my!! He has got it bad - what a lovely description.
I love the way the description shows not so much the way she looks but the way she is. Great six.
Love how you showed her through his eyes. No question about how taken he is with her if he hasn't recovered
Aww. Poor guy. Sounds like he's got it bad.
Wonderful description. Hope she gives him another smile. :)
He's been on the receiving end once...would love to know more about that!
Nothing like a great smile. And what a pretty cover!
What a lovely six! I really like the way he describes her.:)
Great description! And I love how affected he is!
That is awesome! The final sentence was my favorite. bravo!
She sounds breathtaking! Great 6!
That sounds like obsession at first smile. And of course that obsession will later grow into love. You do good at painting a picture with very little physical description. Good job.
Yum! Great six, Sarah! :)
Great insight into the character and his heart. It sounds like he has a challenge ahead of him! Intriguing six!
I love how he sees her in such a romantic way! Great six!
Do I really have to wait all the way until September to read the rest? Sigh. Oh, well, it'll be a great birthday present to myself! :-)
Nice description, and with the way she looks directly at whoever she's speaking with, it tells us something about Isabeau's character too. Really good writing, which I enjoyed immensely.
Wow, this sounds great! Fab six, Sarah!
Something tells me, that if her smile can do that to him...what happens when he gets more than that? Well done!
Nice description seen through his eyes. Great Six!
That is just so sweet. His description shows how much he feels for her.
Fantastic description :D
I love how you've captured his view of her, the descriptions...wow, he's totally in love! :) FAB SIX!
Very good, I really like the description :)
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