
Grab your favorite beverage, relax, and let me tell you a story…

After Midnight - Black Phoenix #1

Re-edited, revised edition October 2013

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Dangerously Sexy Suspense

October 17, 2014

New Blog

Hi everyone! Just wanted to let you know that this blog has moved.  After years of using Blogger, I have decided to add my blog to my website. So reset your bookmarks and come on over to visit me at  www.sarahgrimm.com/blog Thanks!...

October 5, 2014

Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness with a #Free Book

Celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness "...beautiful, heart-rending and strangely uplifting." "A must read for patients and caregivers." Where Would You Like Your Nipple? A survivor's guide to navigating the breast cancer abyss with humor and hope. FREE to download 10/5 - 10/9 Wife, mother and really young grandmother, Mackenzie Crowne shares her home with her high school sweet heart husband, a neurotic Pomeranian and a blind cat. She calls...

October 2, 2014

How to Seduce a Fireman by Vonnie Davis

I'm very excited to be able to share this fabulous story with you all! How to Seduce a Fireman by Vonnie Davis The heat is on…  Book 1 in the ‘Wild Heat’ series – the hottest new fireman trilogy of the fall! Cassie Wolford has crushed on fireman Quinn Gallagher ever since he moved to Clearwater three years ago. There’s just one problem: he’s always made it clear dating is out of the question. But once a Wolford sets their sights...