Welcome to another Six Sentence Sunday! Thanks for stopping by. Between 55 hours work weeks, prepping for my upcoming blog tour and family, I have very little spare time on my hands right now. So I've decided to take a hiatus from SSS. Don't worry it'll only be a few weeks, I promise. ;-)
I'll leave you with this last bit from After Midnight.
Noah plucked the CDs from the bar without taking his eyes off her face. He didn’t understand that she clung to the slippery edge of control.
But then, he didn’t need to understand. He needed to leave her.
Then he did. Just like she’d wanted.
So why did she suddenly feel empty?
Don't forget to visit www.sixsunday.com for a complete list of participating authors. But be warned...your to-be-read list will expand! I know mine always does.

Just testing as a few of the blogs I've visited this morning won't allow me to comment.
I feel the heaviness of her heart, and that feeling there is nothing she can do about it. Wonderful six, I'm getting a wine (it's night here) and will drink for her misery.
I can feel her pain. Great six.
Nice six as always. Just so you know the new look of your blog comes over(the header) a little dark and hard to see.
She's so conflicted! Poor girl.
Her pain comes through well. Great six!
Oh, I really feel for her!
I can feel her misery. Great six!
Be careful what you wish for. Yep, I can feel her pain. Great six!
Aww, what a heartbreaking 6! Nice job!
blogger is a real pain with comments, has been for a while -- so wish they'd sort themselves out! GRRR
back to the snippet xx heavy six...the emotion is dripping from this six. love it! Slippery edge of control -- my fav!
Love your six Sarah - good luck with all of your work!
Poor lass, she's hurting so much.
Oh dear, sad six, I didn't want him to go.
I love her inner turmoil here. Great six!
Her conflict comes through!
That's a sad thing to leave us with. Sarah!!
Conflicted and painful... Well written.
She didn't really want him to go. It's ok. He'll come back. Have a good rest
Awww...be careful what you wish for.
The conflict is palatable. Nicely done 6 . And I fully understand the need to take time off . Been thinking of doing the same. Good luck.
I feel her pain, too. Have a good hiatus and come back soon!
Be careful what you wish for! Maybe she should go after him.
So conflicted! But I bet she won't go after him. Maybe he'll return? When you do? Have a good hiatus, Sarah.
So sad, and yet with that kind of bond these two must meet again! Strong hook into the relationship! Best of luck with all that stuff on your schedule, see you when you get back, virtually!
I had trouble trying to leave a comment earlier in the day also. Strange.
Misery...I know thy name well. So much pain and conflict. Don't go!
Great Six Sarah. :D
"slippery edge of control" - fabulous. enjoy your well-earned break!
Great emotion in this. Have a great blog tour!
Really good description. The short sentences increase tension. Good job.
Oh dear, I guess really she didn't want him to leave after all. :(
There's nothing quite like getting what we want and being left lost by it....sigh.
Dawn's Early Light 6SS
Have a nice holiday! I'm taking a couple weeks off too :)
Wow, fab six. Well done :)
Poor heroine, getting what we want isn't always what's best for us. :(
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