For today’s Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop I’ve decided to do a character interview.
Most interviews I’ve read are of the heroine, but since NOT WITHOUT RISK is actually the hero’s story, I chose to interview Sergeant Justin Harrison.
Murder. Proving to myself and my colleagues that I was fit to return to active duty after a .38 punctured my lung. And how a sexy brunette, with the longest legs I’ve ever had the pleasure of having wrapped around my hips, changed everything.
That she was stunning—and that it had been far too long since I’d been with a woman.
She could be a killer.
I have no stomach for people who take advantage of others weaknesses or misfortune for their own gain. I can’t stand violence against others, especially women. And when bad things happen, someone needs to help restore order, solve the puzzle and uncover the identity of the bad guy. I’m very good with puzzles.
Her courage and strength. Even injured and bleeding, facing the knowledge that someone wanted her dead—would stop at nothing to see it happen—Paige didn’t break.
Why would I want to change her?
That I won’t be able to protect Paige. I pushed myself, my body, too hard in order to get back to the job—the thing that defines who I am. Then I met Paige, and discovered something more important than being a cop. Injured, exhausted and facing one of the toughest cases of my career…I don’t know if I can do it, if I can solve it before the killer gets his hands on her. But I have to. I can’t lose the woman who’s shown me I have worth other than the job—the woman I’ve come to need as much as my next lung full of air.
Make sure to leave me a comment that includes your email addy and you’re automatically entered to win an autographed copy of Not Without Risk. But that's not all, I will also pick two additional commentors to send some bookmarks and a beautiful heart keychain. Want to double your chance of winning? Become a follower of my blog and receive a second entry.
Have fun with the blog hop and good luck!

For a list of other blogs participating on this hop go here:
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Hi Sarah.
What a cool interview! Im' so excited about this hop..
Hello, again..
I'm a little unclear about how this blog hop works. Is everyone on the list blogging and doing giveways each day of the blog> And can I win more than once on the same person's blog?
I'm fairly new to this blogosphere world, but have gotten pretty lucky with winnning books and swag!
Also - do I need to put my email in every post?
Nice interview - Thanks for hosting - please enter me. I am an old follower.
It is my understanding that everyone on the list is doing a blog post and giveaway that will post on 7/4/11 and continue through the end of the blog hop. Placing an email in with your comment is the best way for the host to contact you should you win.
Hi Sarah! Nice interview! Everyone, go buy Not Without Risk. It's a great read! :-) Happy Fourth!
What a guy! Justin is my kind of hero. I can't wait to put Not Without Risk on my TBR list.
@Sandra Sookoo Awe, thanks, Sandi! I'm so glad you enjoyed Not Without Risk.
Fun interview, Sarah! Happy 4th!
Oooo...Sarah, I loved your interview! Makes me want to read RISK even more!! Justin sounds completely yummy! Have a Happy 4th!
Sarah, great interview with Justin - he really came shining through. I've read the book, but I just want to say I LOVED it! Great story, great plot, great characters.
Sarah's book is fantastic.
Justin sounds like my kind of guy. Please enter me.
lvs2dv at gmail dot com
of forgot GFC follower as well
Have a nice 4th of July! Thanks for the giveaway and the interview. This book is a keeper. I've added Not Without Risk to my book wish list.
Loved the hero's interview. Great idea.
vonnie.davis at ymail.com
Great interview!!
Lisadeanne at prodigy dot net
Enjoyed the interview!! Thanks for the chance to win.
that was a great interview. thanks for participating in the hop and i hope your having a happy 4th of july. this book sounds real good.
GFC: Lindsey
Nice interview!
Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC Follower Library Lady
adsanders77 at gmail dot com
@StephB Thanks for the kind words, Steph!
Thank you so much! These are wonderful prizes :) edysicecreamlover18ATgmailDOTcom GFC Krystal Larson
Justin sounds like a great character that has to overcome a lot and still struggles but has a strong woman to help anchor him...a man of my dreams =)
Thanks for a chance to win, your book sounds GREAT!
Dang, how did I miss this book of yours Sarah? Sigh. If I don't win I'm buying it as soon as I can. Very cool interview-- great hero:)
The character sounds great!
Please enter me in the draw!
My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the giveaway!
+1 for following on GFC (Darlene)
Please enter me in the draw!
My email address is darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I really like character interviews, I find them so insightful and love getting to know the characters on a deeper love. NOT WITHOUT RISK sounds like a great romantic suspense, got to love the wounded hero. I find it immensely fulfilling to see the hero transform into a better, stronger man and of course, it takes a special woman to help him through it.
GFC follower.
I love character interviews! They are so much fun! Thank you for the giveaway.
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
BTW, Mara, the best way to enter your email address is like this:
youraddress AT gmail DOT com
youraddress at gmail dot com
This will help cut down on spammers getting your email--the jerks! LOL
Also, you should include your email when entering contest so that the blog host can contact you if you win.
I enjoyed the interview with the hero.
This sounds like it will be a very good book.
GFC follower - Sherry S.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
Huh. I thought I was following you a while back but Blogger seems to be undoing some of my 'follows'. grrr Well, I followed again. :) I don't know if I can keep up with the blog hop but Ima try. Wishes for many sales!
What a fun post! Whether I win or not, I've added Not Without Risk to the TBR pile!
Thanks for the contest!
kristincheee (at) aol (dot) com
Wow, and I thought the blurb on the cover is what normally gets me hooked on a book ... great job with the interview! I haven't even read it yet and I'm in lust! Thanks for participating in the blog hop - good luck to all!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!!
Happy Holidays!! =)
SpadesHigh @ http://SpadesHighReads.com
TValeros18 AT gmail DOT com
Im a new follower!! =) If you wouldnt mind, could you follow me as well? ^_^
Enjoyed the interview.
New GFC follower JeanP
skpetal (at) hotmail (dot) com
Thanks for the great interview and giveaway. I am a new follower via GFC ( Barbara Hightower )
Bhitwr at gmail dot com
What a fantastic interview. I love hearing from the characters!!
I am already a follower on GFC of your blog (judy)
Thanks for the advice! I caught on to what other people were doing. I always wondered why people wrote out their email addresses like that! No wonder I ended up on some hackers email list on the internet last month. Sheesh!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Gloria Schumann
geschumann at live dot com
GFC - Gloria Schumann
geschumann at live dot com
nice interview. Thanks for being a part of the hop. I hope that you had a happy and safe 4th of July.
jessangil at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance! Great interview.
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
old gfc follower: Tara W
mizztuts AT bellsouth DOT net
"Why would I want to changer her." Aweeee... so sweet. :)
GFC follower- Krysta Banco
I love the interview!
I'm a blog follower and I'm at jenniferwells(at)email(dot)com.
Thanks for the great interview. I am drooling over the signed book. Thanks so much for the chance to win.
Following GFC ~ Mary
mary_reiss @ hotmail.com
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC follower: beckerjo
beckerjo at verizon dot net
Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway! i a follower on networked blogs- name shadow kohler
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